DEVELOPMENT by Pedro Resende

29 of May of 2024 at 21:30


How to deploy a Symfony application

using kamal

This week, I've decided to spend some thing investigating how hard it would be to use Kamal...
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30 of March of 2024 at 19:00

devdevelopmenttutorialNextJsNext.jstddTest-Driven Development

Understanding Test-Driven Development (TDD)

and its Application in Next.js

Today I've decided to write a little blog post, about what Test-Driven Development (TDD), and how to apply it on a Next.js application...
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2 of December of 2023 at 10:00


Ruby On Rails with React.js frontend Integration

with tailwindcss

A few years ago, I've dedicated a post to the integration of React.js with Symfony
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24 of October of 2023 at 19:54


Boosting Component Development: The Advantages of Stencil

over Pure React

As web development continues to evolve, the demand for efficient and performant components is higher than ever. React has been a prominent choice for building web applications, but developers...
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9 of April of 2023 at 16:40


How to create a Notion database connected to Nuxt.js

as my blog CMS

Recently, I've moved from Jolpin to Notion, due to syncronization problems.
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27 of January of 2023 at 08:45


How to Avoid the useState Hell in React.js

by using useReducer

This week, I had to implement a member management form, using React.js
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26 of November of 2022 at 16:16


How to create a file upload API using Next.js

TypeScript and Tailwind CSS

This week, I had to develop an API handler, using Next.js, to allow to upload files
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25 of July of 2022 at 21:00


How to Center Items on a div

Using tailwindcss

I know that sometimes it can be a nigthmare to center items on a div, that's why I've decided to create this tutorial
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6 of February of 2022 at 13:00


How to create a multistep form using React.js

Next.js, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS

This week at work I had to develop a multistep, or multistage, form using React.js.
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9 of January of 2022 at 15:45

welcomenewblog 3.0devdevelopmentnext

Blog version 3.0

What is different ?

New year, new blog engine. It's been four years since the last time I've decided to upgrade the language and engine of the blog.
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