Welcome to my new blog
A little introduction on what's coming
Post by Pedro Resende on the 25 of November of 2014 at 21:42
Tags: welcomenewblogdevdevelopmentsymfonyeZ Publish
I'd like to welcome all the readers of this blog, by making a brief presentation.
This blog was made as a study to learn a bit about the Symfony's framework, It's currently running version 2.5.7, but it will be update regulary in order to prevent possible problems and security issues.
Why Symfony ? You may ask, simply becase it's the framework I'm currently working on, since it's the base of eZ Publish.
You're probably wondering what's eZ Publish ? It's an enterprise grade CMS/CMX developed by eZ Systems, the company I'm proud of doing Q.A. for.
Other than development you might also have some IT related posts