DEVELOPMENT by Pedro Resende

Blog version 3.0

What is different ?

Post by Pedro Resende on the 9 of January of 2022 at 15:45

Tags: welcomenewblog 3.0devdevelopmentnext

New year, new blog engine. It's been four years since the last time I've decided to upgrade the language and engine of the blog.

The first time I've used a framework called PHP Symfony, four years later I've switched to Django and it was a quite nice experience, but now I've moved to Next.js.

Why would you ask, it's quite simple it was to have a faster and more efficient solution.

One of the changes was to move from an in-house MySQL server to Atlas MongoDB and store the old articles in a free instance while the new ones I'll be using MDX. The advantage of this is to allow me to write the content in markdown and to have a better experience when reading the articles.

Another change was to move from an html template, to Tailwind CSS.

And in terms of performance I've been able to improve the speed of the site by using Next.js's Static Generation feature, but let's compare, using PageSpeed Insights results of the two versions.

Old version

Old Site Performance

New version

New Site Performance

What do you think of the new version?